Annual Homeowners Meeting

Posted by tammylfinch on January 31, 2020 in Information |

Chadwick Estates Homeowners,


I hope you all are doing well and enjoyed the holiday season. I wanted to let you know of our annual homeowners meeting coming up. It will be held on Tuesday February 18th at 6:30pm at the Dunlap Library.


There are a number of important topics we want to share including approving annual dues. We are also have two open board positions and need a couple of folks to help out. The commitment is minimal (an hour meeting every other month or so plus some minor duties). It is a great, easy way to get involved in the neighborhood. Again, the effort is minimal but without people helping out the existing board can get burned out.


Please RSVP to   to confirm your attendance.


On a separate note, as we drive around the neighborhood about 10% of the yard lights are out. We understand it can be challenging to maintain these with the holidays and cold weather. With he temperatures rising to the 40s and 50s this weekend please take a moment to replace your bulb if it is out. These are important for safety and security in the neighborhood. If you have issues or need assistance please let me know.


Thanks and I look forward to seeing folks at the annual meeting!


Seth Davis

Chadwick Estates HOA President

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