Minutes of Annual Meeting of Chadwick Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. (CEHOA)
North Branch, Peoria Public Library, February 29, 2016
CEHOA Board members present: Loreto Panettone (President), Derel Monteith (Secretary),
Barry Soffietti (Treasurer), Kim Tobias, Erik Wilde
CEHOA Board members absent: Aaron Smith, Steve Allar (Vice President)
10 additional CEHOA members present in person (see sign‐in sheet)
8 additional CEHOA members present by proxy (Derel, Loreto and Barry having been given
proxies by five members, two members, and one member, respectively)
23 total CEHOA members in attendance either in person or by proxy
A. Board introduction and discussion of 2015 accomplishments and financials:
Loreto introduced the Board members who were present at the meeting and gave an account of the Board’s accomplishments in 2015, including front entrance repair and redesign, legal review, construction approvals, and complaint management. Barry discussed and answered multiple member questions regarding the 2015 CEHOA financials.
B. Matters for Board presentation, member comment, and Board vote:
1. 2016 budget: Barry discussed and answered multiple member questions regarding the 2016 budget; 2. Changes to CEHOA documents and processes: Derel discussed and answered multiple member questions regarding the legal review that the Board undertook in 2015, including a detailed discussion of the proposed amendments to the By‐Laws and the Resolution Regarding Flagpoles; 3. New sign at front entrance: Loreto, the other Board members, and multiple members discussed the two options for replacing the sign on the front entrance pillar, and the Board proposed that a new sign be created in a stylized script font that matches the website and street sign logo (as opposed to a block font like the original sign); 4. Landscaping at front entrance: Kim discussed and answered multiple member questions regarding the proposed landscaping plan for the front entrance, and the Board also solicited member feedback on the future possibility of removing the pots in the front entrance beds (pot removal was not included in the proposed plan, and members were divided on the question of whether to keep the pots). After all member and Board discussion on these four proposals was complete, the Board voted on each proposal in succession. The 2016 budget, the changes to CEHOA documents and processes, and the landscaping plan for the front entrance were all unanimously approved by the Board; the proposal for a stylized script front entrance sign was approved by a majority vote of the Board (Loreto, Erik, Kim and Derel voting in favor; Barry 1 of 2 voting against, citing legibility concerns with the script font). Loreto and Derel executed the revised By‐Laws and Resolution Regarding Flagpoles and Kim will scan and upload the executed documents to the CEHOA website; appropriate members on the new Board will pursue action items relating to the other approvals.
C. Election of new Board members:
Five Board positions were coming open, with Loreto and Kim being the only Board members not either resigning or completing their two‐year terms. More specifically, the five Board vacancies were created by Steve moving out of the neighborhood (he is expected to resign soon, leaving a one‐year vacancy), and Erik, Aaron, Derel and Barry finishing their terms. In the election, Barry sought re‐election and two new potential Board members sought election, namely Kim Johnston and Jim Hefti. Barry, Kim Johnston and Jim each briefly spoke about their backgrounds. Given the uncontested nature of the election (five open positions and only three candidates), the Board decided to use a show of hands rather than a ballot to conduct the election. Thereafter, all members present (whether in person or by proxy), by a unanimous show of hands, approved Barry, Kim Johnston and Jim as Board members. The Board then explained that it has the power to appoint people to fill the two remaining Board vacancies; two members at the meeting volunteered for those vacancies and will be considered by the Board.
D. Open member comment:
Approximately 15 minutes were left for open member comment, during which the following topics were raised: 1. the possibility of a stop sign at the Koerner/Eaglecreek intersection in order to slow down traffic on Koerner; 2. suggestions for water heater maintenance; and 3. the members‐only section of the CEHOA website.